
Uncovering Winter's Air Leak Woes: A Sleuth's Guide

Uncovering Winter's Air Leak Woes: A Sleuth's Guide

January 22, 2023
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Winter is a wonderful season full of cozy fires, hot cocoa, and holiday cheer. But it also brings with it cold drafts, high energy bills, and the constant battle of trying to keep your home warm. If you're feeling like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the mystery of the perpetually cold room in your house, you may be dealing with air leaks.

Air leaks occur when there are gaps or cracks in the windows, doors, walls, or foundation of your home that allow cold air from outside to seep in and warm air to escape. These pesky leaks not only make your home uncomfortable but also lead to higher energy bills as your HVAC system works overtime to compensate for the lost heat.

So, how can you play the role of a sleuth and uncover these winter air leak woes? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Do a visual inspection: Take a careful look around your home for any visible gaps, cracks, or holes. Check around windows, doors, baseboards, and electrical outlets. Don't forget to inspect the exterior of your home as well.
  • Feel for drafts: On a windy day, walk around your home holding a lit incense stick or a candle near windows, doors, and other potential leak sources. Watch for any flickering of the flame, as this can indicate a draft.
  • Inspect your attic and basement: These are common areas for air leaks to occur. Check for gaps around pipes, vents, and chimneys, as well as any holes in the insulation.
  • Seal it up: Once you've identified the source of the air leaks, it's time to seal them up. Use caulk to fill in gaps around windows and doors, and weatherstripping to seal gaps in moving parts, like doors and windows. Don't forget to insulate any exposed pipes and seal gaps in ductwork.
  • Consider professional help: If you're having trouble locating or fixing air leaks on your own, don't be afraid to call in the professionals. An HVAC technician or energy auditor can help you pinpoint problem areas and provide solutions to make your home more energy-efficient.

By taking the time to uncover and seal air leaks in your home, you can enjoy a warmer, more comfortable living space and lower energy bills this winter. So channel your inner sleuth and get to work solving the mystery of the winter air leak woes!